Herbs, Spices, & Natural Healing Introduction.

Herbal healing with natural remedies, this is something people have been doing since the world for humans came to being. For thousands upon thousands of years, we as a species have learned what herbs, spices, teas, lotions, sauves, and other concoctions that work best for healing. Today we are going to scour the web and several other places for information on what really works. Who knows you might have some of these things already in your kitchen or even in your garden.

Introduction To Teas : Ancient Healing

Teas have been used in healing for centuries and across the globe, covering a vast ranges of cultures. They can help with a lot of things, from indigestion, anxiety, stress, sleep & so much more!

Pagan Deism, Science is Magic & Magic is Science.

Well, it looks like it is time for me to push outside the norm once more. To push that envelope further and explore a topic that has been weighing on me for several months now. It is in part why we have had a lack of content here on the blog. Part of why it takes me so long to write these particular posts is that I heavily research the topic before writing it. I do not want it just ot be an opinion piece, I want it to hold some validity.

Coming Soon!! Witch Bottles & Charms.

Hey there readers! We are going to start making witch bottles and charms for purchase. You will have several different stones to choose from, different herbs to choose from, for your personalized bottle & or charm. We will make these both wearable and portable. So you will have several options to choose from. The first collection will have 60 bottles to choose from.