Flowers in Magic: Post 2

Neither religion nor a scientific idea, magic is said to be a supernatural belief and practice. Instead, it is said to be using or possessing supernatural abilities to cause baffling occurrences.

Some ideas of magic are just for fun, and magicians use optical illusions to trick the mind of the audience. In the meantime, some magic is thought to be a superpower that can be found in objects or used in witchcraft to bring about a desired outcome.

We are all aware that various flowers have distinct meanings and symbols. However, did you know that some flowers are also said to possess potent magical properties?

The following are some flowers that, over the course of time, have captivated our imaginations and are said to possess magic and power.

Smudging/Cleansing plants and herbs 101

A quick intro smudging/cleansing herbs. These are little infographics for you to share or save for usage. If you post them elsewhere please make sure you credit back to us.

Herbs, Spices, & Natural Healing Introduction.

Herbal healing with natural remedies, this is something people have been doing since the world for humans came to being. For thousands upon thousands of years, we as a species have learned what herbs, spices, teas, lotions, sauves, and other concoctions that work best for healing. Today we are going to scour the web and several other places for information on what really works. Who knows you might have some of these things already in your kitchen or even in your garden.